yesno Filter

Logic Most Useful

Argument: mapping (Optional) – return values for True, False, and (optionally) None.


The yesno filter maps values that evaluate to True, False, and None to "yes", "no", and "maybe" or to alternative strings passed in as a comma-delimited string.


inventory = {
    'gloves': 0,
    'hats': 51,
    'scarves': 2,
    'socks': 13


{% for item, remaining in inventory.items %}
  <li class="{{ remaining|yesno:'instock,outofstock' }}">
    {{ item }}: {{ remaining }} remaining
    {{ remaining|yesno:',(time to place an order)' }}
{% endfor %}

Notice how the yesno filter is used once to determine the class value and again to determine whether or not to output “(time to place an order)”.


<li class="outofstock">gloves: 0 remaining (time to place an order)</li>
<li class="instock">hats: 51 remaining</li>
<li class="instock">scarves: 2 remaining</li>
<li class="instock">socks: 13 remaining</li>


This is particularly useful for selecting class names for HTML elements.

Did we get something wrong? Is there a use case for the yesno filter that we should add? Please let us know.

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This page last updated on Oct. 30, 2022, 1:21 p.m. EST