striptags Filter



Strips HTML tags.


poem_html = '''<article>
    Much to his Mum and Dad’s <em>dismay</em>,<br>
    Horace <em>ate himself</em> one day.<br>
    He <em>didn’t stop</em> to say his grace,<br>
    He just sat down and <strong>ate his face</strong>.
    <strong>“We can’t have this!”</strong> His Dad declared,<br>
    “If that lad’s ate, <strong><em>he should be shared.</em></strong>”


{{ poem_html|striptags }}


Much to his Mum and Dad’s dismay,
Horace ate himself one day.

He didn’t stop to say his grace,
He just sat down and ate his face.

“We can’t have this!” His Dad declared,
“If that lad’s ate, he should be shared.”


This can be useful for converting a template HTML email to text when you want to send both HTML and text version of an email.

Did we get something wrong? Is there a use case for the striptags filter that we should add? Please let us know.

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This page last updated on Oct. 30, 2022, 1:21 p.m. EST